The Works comprise of new buildings, extension and refurbishment of existing buildings and landscape within the Karratha Senior High School as follows:
- Technologies Learning Area (TLA) and Services Compound (Separable Portion 01): Demolition of part of the existing Hardcourts, civil and swale works to provide a space for the new TLA building and associated hard and soft landscape works. The new building is two stories and consists of workshops, classrooms, teachers’ study and support services like toilets and storage. Associated with this building is the Services Compound.
- Covered Hardcourt (Separable Portion 02): Demolition, civil and swale works to provide a clear area for a new roofed playing court. Access paths and fencing are also required.
- Student Services Extension (Separable Portion 03): Demolition, civil and swale works to provide a clear area for the extension of the existing building. The extension includes new offices, meeting rooms, reprographics and student wellness rooms and associated hard and soft landscape works.
- Block C – Refurbishment and extension of existing Metalwork Workshop and relocation and removal of machinery in Workshops (Separable Portion 04): Removal and replacement of existing equipment within the Block C, inclusive of making good on existing surfaces. Extension of existing Workshop.
- Block C – Refurbishment of existing areas to create Food Technology and Textiles rooms (Separable Portion 05): Renovation of existing building to create new Food Technology Classroom, Textile classroom and Staff Study and associated hard and soft landscape and paving works.