Kenya Bi-Directional Control & Metering Station




Surat Basin, Queensland


Schedule of Rates

Start Date

March 2013

Completion Date

August 2013
showing location on a map of Australia

Decmil was contracted to provide the fabrication and installation of the discharge system from the Kenya CPP, tying into the Kenya Lateral Pipeline which supplies the main QCLNG pipeline to Curtis Island.

The project was situated within the operating plant, interfacing with the Kenya Lateral Pipeline construction contractors (MCJV) and plant operations.

The project included offsite fabrication of structural steelwork and high pressure piping, and onsite installation of earthworks, roadworks, footings, pipe supports and piping, instrument and electrical works, and commissioning support.

The project was required to be completed on a shortened timeline as it sat on the critical path for introduction of gas into the QCLNG pipeline for pipeline commissioning. Decmil completed the project on schedule, dealing with many challenges along the way including adverse weather and ground conditions, unidentified underground services and conflicting demands of numerous stakeholders.

Delivering solutions.

We are committed to outstanding project management and delivery regardless of the scale or the intricacy of the work.