Ravensthorpe Nickel Project Concrete Works


BHP Billiton Iron Ore


Ravensthorpe, Western Australia



Contract Value

$16 Million

Completion Date

showing location on a map of Australia

Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations is a nickel mine and hydrometallurgical processing plant located 550 km south east of Perth, in the Ravensthorpe district of Western Australia.

The total volume of concrete poured on this project was 10,000 cubic metres and involved complex excavation, formwork and concrete works for process acid leach trains 1 and 2, Coldwell foundations and various pipe-racks. As a variation to the contract, Decmil was also awarded the construction of the cooling towers.

No Lost Time Injuries were recorded during the 150,000 man hours required to complete this project and all works were completed within the contracted period.

Decmil employed 60 direct wage employees on this project and also utilised its own plant.

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