In July 2020 Decmil was awarded the Design and Construct contract for construction of the Albany Ring Road project.
The Albany Ring Road project will provide a freight route of 11.5 km around the City of Albany for the transport of grain, fertilizer, woodchips and other goods to the Port of Albany.
The Ring Road will link the existing major roads and highways radiating from Albany, bypassing urban areas and improving access to the Mirambeena Strategic Industrial Area. It will also take heavy vehicles off existing roads, reducing congestion and enhancing safety for local and tourist traffic.
The first stage of the project achieved Practical Completion in April 2022 and included the design and construction of a new interchange at Albany Highway and Menang Drive; and the section of the Ring Road south to Lancaster Road.
The second stage design and construction has commenced which will extend the Albany Ring Road from Lancaster Road to Princess Royal Drive.
Phase 1
Design and construction of the Highway from Menang Drive to Lancaster Road in accordance with the specified lane configuration, including a grade separated interchange at Albany Highway, at-grade intersections at other Connecting Roads, and an interim connection to South Coast Highway.
Phase 2
Design and construction of the remaining section of Highway to Princess Royal Drive in accordance with the specified lane configuration, including grade separated interchanges at South Coast Highway and Hanrahan Road, and at-grade intersections at other Connecting Roads.
- Design and construction of a Highway bridge over Albany Highway (Bridge No. 1874)
- Design of a bridge over the Highway at South Coast Highway (Bridge No. 1873)
- Design of a bridge over the Highway and railway on Hanrahan Road (Bridge No. 1871)
- Design of pedestrian Underpass No. 9487 under the Highway between Chainage 9600 to Chainage 9900
- Design and construction of retaining walls
Connecting Roads
Design and construction of all connections, modifications and improvements necessary to Connecting Roads including access roads to properties and intersections.
Local Participation
The project has exceeded its local participation target, with 27% of spend to date on local businesses. More than 75% of project personnel are local. The project has also sourced 95% of permanent materials from local suppliers, located within 50km of the project.
Aboriginal Participation
Since the project commencement in October 2019, Decmil has subcontracted $6.7m worth of works to Aboriginal businesses including landscape design, FRP works, plant hire, miscellaneous supplies, consulting services and labour supply.
The Project has also commenced Cert II Traineeships in Civil Construction for Aboriginal personnel in 2021, and the project has achieved 11% Aboriginal Employment.
Community Participation
Since 2020 Decmil has been a major sponsor of Albany RSL’s Remembrance Day and ANZAC Day commemorations. Decmil sponsor the local community football club, the Albany Sharks and also sponsor the STRYKA Fight Club, established to provide disadvantaged youth with a place of belonging.
Decmil partnered with the Children’s University WA Partnership (CUWAP), providing STEM activity kits for families to access through the Albany Public Library.
The Project has also partnered with UWA to provide grants targeted to build awareness for Conservation and to increase Heritage awareness.