Gorgon Construction Village


Chevron Australia Pty Ltd


Barrow Island, Western Australia


Design and Construct


Kellogg Joint Venture

Contract Value

$830 Million (TDKJV)

Start Date

June 2009

Completion Date

June 2013
showing location on a map of Australia

Decmil, in a joint venture with Thiess and Kentz Pty Ltd (TDKJV), was awarded a design and construct contract by Chevron Australia for an accommodation village for the Gorgon Project on Barrow Island.

The scope of works included:

  • 4,006 person double storey resort style village
  • Office/administration facilities
  • Kitchen/mess
  • (Dry & wet) facilities
  • Sporting facilities – cricket, pool, gym
  • Waste water treatment plant
  • Water treatment plant
  • Power and communications networks

Delivering solutions.

We are committed to outstanding project management and delivery regardless of the scale or the intricacy of the work.