Reid Highway – Altone to West Swan Road


Main Roads Western Australia


Perth, WA


Design and Construct

Contract Value

$46 Million

Start Date

May 2019

Completion Date

May 2020
showing location on a map of Australia

This project involved the upgrading of a 4km section of Reid Highway between Altone and West Swan Roads to a dual carriageway.

Works also included a new shared path and local links on the southern side of the highway to improve connections to the Swan Valley and modifications to Reid Highway and West Swan Road intersection.

A new bridge was constructed over Reid Highway, connecting the northern and southern sections of Arthur Street and a second carriageway was constructed across Bennett Brook. Works also included an extension of the underpass to link Victoria Road, noise walls, signage, fencing, drainage, landscaping and street lighting.

Landscaping and artwork that reflected the rich cultural heritage of the community

Aboriginal artwork was incorporated in the project design to ensure stories of the local Whadjuk Noongar people are celebrated and shared for generations to come. The artwork reveals the meaning and significance of heritage places in a memorable and enriching way. The artworks and design concepts for the project were developed in consultation with the Reid Highway Whadjuk Noongar Reference Group comprising members of local Whadjuk Elders including representatives from the Bropho, Coruuna, Garlett, Wilkes, Warrell and Jacobs families, whose time, knowledge and contribution is greatly appreciated.

The entrances to the underpasses feature landscape paintings capturing the hills of Midland and the six Noongar annual seasons, each representative of the environmental and seasonal changes we see annually. Within the underpasses there are murals depicting flora and fauna, which have been designed to be viewed by people moving through the underpass by foot or on a bicycle. Five cultural markers and rest stops were installed, and the screens and abutment retaining walls on the Arthur Street Bridge over Reid Highway have provided another opportunity for the use of artwork to share traditions and stories essential to ensuring the continuity of Aboriginal heritage.

Delivering solutions.

We are committed to outstanding project management and delivery regardless of the scale or the intricacy of the work.