
Silvergrass NPI


Hamersley Iron Pty. Limited (Rio Tinto Iron Ore)


West Pilbara, Western Australia

Contract Value

$46 million

Start Date

December 2016

Completion Date

February 2018
showing location on a map of Australia

Decmil was awarded the non-process infrastructure package for Hamersley Iron at Nammuldi and Silvergrass consisting of three separable parts.

The Silvergrass Project iron ore deposits are located within the West Pilbara region of WA approximately 9km north to north-west of the Nammuldi Below Water Table site.

Separable Part 1 – Nammuldi Central Mine Services: Includes the design, supply, fabrication, installation, construction and commissioning of additional buildings, services and facilities at the NBWT central mine services area.

Separable Part 2 – SGE Mine Services Area: Includes the design, supply, fabrication, installation, construction and commissioning of the SGE mine services buildings, services and support facilities which comprise the SGE mine services area.

Separable Part 3 – TLO Fire Water Upgrade: Includes the design, supply, fabrication, installation, construction and commissioning of the pipework upgrades in the Stockyard and TLO area at Nammuldi Below Water Table Plant.


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